Here are a few things I caught myself saying this week….thought I’d write them down to capture where I am in parenting at this phase in our lives!
What is in your mouth? Spit it out in my hand…. Oh! Who gave the baby gum?!!
Yes, honey, I will die someday. Everyone dies. It’s just a part of life. No, I don’t think I’m going to die tomorrow.
You need to sleep in your own bed tonight. No, not in my bed. Because it’s my bed and daddy’s home tonight and he’s sleeping in my bed. Because it’s his bed, too, that’s why.
No, Aria doesn’t have a loose tooth. Yes, I know that for sure. Because her teeth just came in a year ago, that’s why. They are too new to be loose.
Because I said so, that’s why. Yes, that is a good reason.
Just do what I say when I say it and stop arguing with me!
Did you wash your hands? With soap? Okay, get back in there and use soap.
I didn’t hear a flush. Get back in there and flush.
Andrew….ugh! Please wait for me to come and wipe you, okay? Look at this mess…..
Please stop putting the dirty dishes in the sink! Do you see the dishwasher? It’s right there next to the sink!
Quit jumping! The bathtub is not a swimming pool.
So funny – sounds like my house, especially the potty moments! We have a five year old still trying to master the whole thing!