Aislynn: The teacher made an announement to the class on how to correctly say Aislynn’s name. Now all is well. Everyone says her name correctly, no one calls her Face Lift anymore, and because of all of this, she has made a ton of new friends!! I don’t know if it was the special attention or what, but ever since that day she has come home from school very excited to tell me that “everyone” wants to play with her now. Very cool. She is happy! That’s all I want. For her to be happy.
A.J.: He is not happy. He doesn’t like school and is not making the adjustment. Today, this morning, his teacher called me to tell me that he was very sad in class, and she called me so that he could talk to me. So I get on the phone with him and say, “A.J….I thought we talked about this…what’s up, Buddy?” and he said, “I just miss you. I want to be home. I want to home school again.” and he was crying. I told him to get off the phone with me, have a fun day with friends, and that I promise I will talk to Daddy about taking him out of school and home schooling him again this year. So we hung up, and I called Rich. Rich didn’t even hesitate. He said, “Bring him home. That boy wants to be home, so bring him home. We’ll have a great school year with him.” Can I just say that I love my husband? I mean, he understands that A.J. is seven years old…and in a classroom with 32 other kids and ONE teacher. He’s not happy there. And you know what? He doesn’t need to be there. It’s not like this is his senior year in high school. This is SECOND GRADE! I normally teach second grade here at home, anyway…and don’t put my kids into regular school until 4th or 5th grade. The only reason I sent him this year was so that he could go to school with Aislynn,Avery and Alex, in the same school with them. He really wanted to go! I thought it would be a fun year for him, so I sent him. But he’s not having fun. So after talking with Rich, I quickly called our home school facilitator (the one we have had for the past 4 years or so) and we enrolled A.J. in the program. So that’s that. Tomorrow he will start home schooling. He’s going to be so excited when he gets home today! I really just want him to be happy. If he’s not happy in school, then what’s the point? He can learn here at home. He’s only seven! Oh, I forgot to mention that on Saturday he wrote a FULL PAGE letter to me and Rich explaining why he doesn’t want to go to school anymore. He listed his reasons. Then at the very bottom, he made a section that said VOTE with an error pointing to two boxes: a YES -I agree box and a NO -you- have- to- stay- in -school box. That kid is too funny!
Andrew: He keeps telling me he doesn’t want to go to preschool. He has had 6 days in preschool so far. The first 3 days were great. Then from then it just went down hill – fast. Rich brought him one day and he threw a complete crying fit and refused to go into the classroom. Rich talked with him and he calmed down and went inside. The next day I took him to school, and he refused to go into the classroom. He clung to my leg and cried! I felt so bad. I am not one of the mothers who can deal well with that. Some can just hand the kid off to the teacher and walk away even though the kid is crying, “Noooo Mommmy….don’t leeeeave meeeee!” but I am not one of those mommies. I just tears at my heartstrings. See, I believe that some moms really have to leave their preschoolers due to work situations. And it’s very true that eventually the kids get used to it and adjust. But kids are just like that — they adjust to almost any situation when they have to. I don’t want my kids to “have” to adjust. If they don’t like preschool….then why in the world would I send them? Not only is it a waste of tuition money, but really…I don’t need them to go. I don’t work. I stay home with my kids. The children ARE my job! So here’s the thing with Andrew: I am giving it another try this week to see if he warms up to the idea. If he doesn’t, then we will put him into preschool next year when he is 5 years old. Right now he is a very young 4 year old. Some of the kids in his class are turning 5, where Andrew just turned 4. Emotionally he might just not be ready. Funny thing, though…once he’s there he has a great time. The teacher says he plays with the other children and participates in class. And when I pick him up he’s happy. So that’s why I’m giving it some more time. He might just not like the separation part of it, the saying “good bye” and watchin mommy walk away. Well, we will see how it goes this week.
You are a good mama to know what your child needs. I’m so glad you are letting him come home and not telling him “to just stick it out”. It sounds like he is a very sensitive child and needs that stability and one on one. You are blessed to have a husband that supports you in this. I’m proud of you and hope you have a wonderful homeschool year!
I’m glad things worked out for aislynn! Good decision for aj, I mean he even took the time to write you a full letter
and I agree about Andrew, if his teacher says he is great all day, then it’s just a separation issue. Maybe you can look up some ideas online about what you can do. With Morgan and I, we have matching bracelets and I told her that as long as she is wearing her bracelet and I’m wearing mine, that we’ll always be together. I thought she was gonna freak this year being in a new town but she ended up being just fine so the bracelet was not needed after all (she still wears it and I still wear mine but she doesn’t “need” it).
Although this might not go over so well if the bracelet were to fall off or get lost, poor Andrew might think he’s lost you forever. But you get the idea. And something like this might backfire if he were to see something that reminded him of you, it might make him more sad. Whatever you decide though will be the best decision for him.
But it does sound like he would be fine if you can get the drop off a little easier
I’m glad you are letting AJ come home. You’re right, he so does not need to go if you are willing to school him at home. You guys will have a sweet year!
Praying for you!So glad you are bringing your Son home.I homeschool my Children,and would have it no other way.My Son went to school.Until with lots of Prayer we brought him home.The other Children only know homeschooling.My thoughts and prayers are with you!Blessings,Marla