I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite things to do during the holiday season is craft projects with my children. I think I got my love for crafting from my grandmother, who was always doing some sort of craft project when I was growing up. And my mom, too…always sewing or creating something. Funny, they both cooked/cook great meals… but me? not too much of an iterest in cooking. Ahh well, it can’t all stick, right?
So here are some of the projects I’ve been doing with the kids these past few days. We did everything on my “craft plan” list except the advent chains. Oh well, there’s always next year.
Christmas Trees!!
(Aria really got into the action this year — two year olds are so much fun!)
And yes, that’s my two year old cutting with sharp, adult-size scissors. No need to call CPS on me. She did a great job – no stitches needed.You’d think that in a house full of little ones I’d have at least one pair of child scissors lying around. I think Santa will bring us some this Christmas!
And here’s Alex….
Alex made these “carolers” out of toilet paper rolls. Aren’t they cute? And if you are wondering what the things are on the tops of their heads….baby socks! He tried making as many carolers as there are members of our family, but we could only get eight empty toilet paper rolls. Ah well, close enough!

Very cute and creative. Love the carolers, great idea!
Thinking of you at this time, because of your angel baby….
I just read your “quote of the month”……. Beautiful!!!!!!
Looks like fun!! I was going to say, you must have the most amazing amount of patience, and then I realized how lame that was, ha ha, you have NINE kids!! Of course you are.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. It must be a magical experience in your house ;o)
Love you,