She’s taking her learner’s permit test today. She says it will be a piece of cake (the test) although I have never seen her study for it. She’s confident, this one, in all that she does. She always has been, and I like that about her. She has always acted older than her age, too; very mature, very responsible. The only young thing about Afton is that for some reason she still calls me “mommy” — most of them stop calling me “mommy” and start calling me “mom” by the age of 7 or so. But not my Afton. To her, I am “mommy” and I secretly hope that will never change!
I can’t believe she might be driving a car as soon as this afternoon. She’s just fifteen and a half years old! Why do they let them drive so young? Ugh. I am so not ready for this. But SHE is. She’s been ready for this since she was about 9 years old, which was when she first said, “I can’t wait until I can drive a car!!!” with an attitude because I wouldn’t drop everything and take her somewhere.
Well, that day has arrived. She hopes. We will see how she does on the test.
Stay tuned…..update to follow!
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