These two girls might take nice photos together — but that’s where the niceness ends. As soon as the photo is taken, they quickly separate and rarely talk unless they are barking an order at each other, or accusing the other of taking her hairbrush, or getting angry that the other is wearing a certain shirt of hers.
They bicker.
They fight.
They argue.
They ignore each other.
It makes me sad, in a way, because I remember back to a time when they were the best of buddies. The first photo, for instance, when they were 6 and 4 and played together all the time. What happened to those sisters I once knew? Right now they have a love/hate relationship. I know they love each other, but they hate to be around each other. They go to the same school, but yet only mutter a short “hey” with a head nod when they pass each other in the halls, if that. This is not the relationship that I had planned out for them. I always envisioned them to be another Laura and Mary Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie, where they look out for each other and talk and laugh together on their way to school in the mornings. I so don’t have that in these two.
They bicker.
They fight.
They argue.
They ignore each other.
It makes me sad, in a way, because I remember back to a time when they were the best of buddies. The first photo, for instance, when they were 6 and 4 and played together all the time. What happened to those sisters I once knew? Right now they have a love/hate relationship. I know they love each other, but they hate to be around each other. They go to the same school, but yet only mutter a short “hey” with a head nod when they pass each other in the halls, if that. This is not the relationship that I had planned out for them. I always envisioned them to be another Laura and Mary Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie, where they look out for each other and talk and laugh together on their way to school in the mornings. I so don’t have that in these two.
But I’m hopeful. Because I remember back to a time where I barely spoke to my little sister. We pretty much ignored each other in the house unless we were fighting. I didn’t like her all the time, but I loved her and would come to her protection if anyone dared to mess with her. And she knew that. Today, as adults, my sister and I are the very best of friends. If it can happen for us, then it can happen for these two!
I have heard of that book! It’s been on my list for a while now. I don’t know what I’ve been waiting for. I need to get a copy of it.
Thanks for the suggestion
That’s hard for a mom to see, but I think it happens a lot with sisters. There is a lot of love, but also a lot of jealousy and competition. It seems like Audriana and Afton are close in age but very different otherwise, which can breed conflict. Sometimes, it takes living apart to understand how important your siblings are! Good luck living through it. Also – if you have the time (with nine kids!), you should check out the book, “Siblings without Rivalry.” I loved that book for my kids, but they are younger…