This little chubby-faced one year old….
is now my handsome four and a half year old…
His hair is pushed to the side in this photo but usually it just about covers his eyes, his bangs are so long. “Daddy” has always been in charge of taking the boys to get their haircuts..but lately, he has been slacking in that department, and now all of the boys are looking a little shabby.
Ugh. Now, I don’t particularly like this look on my boys. The shaggy-hair just doesn’t work for me past a certain age. It’s okay when they are two and three years old…but after that? I like my boys’ hair to be high and tight, neat and in place.
I know I won’t have much of a say-so once they are older and I’ll need to “pick my battles” — but for now? I should have their hair the way I like it.
With my nineteen year old, I have lost my say-so — and now look what happened.
He went from this:
To this:
Oh my gosh…what happened?!!! Talk about getting back at mom! Actually, this photo was taken when he was 18. He will be 20 in April, and his hair is much, much tamer now. I wouldn’t call it “short” but at least it’s not wild and has some style to it. But yea…he got me good that year, all right. I’d say, “Tony, please do something with your hair…” and he’d say, “Nope. I like it this way.” with a smug little smile on his face. But once he started seriously looking for a job and kept getting passed over…we had a little sit-down with him and said, “Do you think there’s a slight possibility you aren’t getting these jobs because of your appearance?” and so he cut his hair into a decent style….
and stopped dressing so sloppy, and he got a job the next week.
Coincidence? I think not.

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