I hate when my kids are sick.
Of course I want them to always be in the best of health.
But if I could find one perk to the older kids getting sick…
it’s that they let me baby them and take care of them again.
Just like I did when they were two, three, and four years old.
Gone are they days when Afton needs me to tuck her into bed or to bring her a glass of water in the middle of the night.
She’ll be driving in just six more months.
She doesn’t need me like that anymore.
But when she’s sick? It all changes.
When she’s not feeling well, she wants her mommy.
I set up the humidifier so she can breathe easier.
I give her medicine.
I tuck her into her bed and make sure she’s warm enough.
I check on her often, coming into her room more in one day than I typically do in any given month.
It’s like she’s three years old again.
And okay, I’ll admit it.
There’s a part of me that loves this.
I’ve missed the little girl she used to be!
Get well, my big girl…and thanks for letting me take care of you again 

HI Katrina!
I am kinda the opposite, I am ashamed to say – drives me nuts when the kids lay around being sick – I would have been the world’s worst nurse! Glad you had the chance to baby your girl, though! Happy New year!