Since Audriana’s 18th birthday, I have been going back in time a bit, thinking about her 18 years. I really can’t believe she’s 18 years old already. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around this fact.I’m in the process of putting all of my old film photos onto disc. Some of these photos I have not seen in many years because they were put away in a box and shoved to the back of my closet. Seeing her in older photos makes me both happy and sad. Mostly, though…they make me extremely grateful. We almost lost her in that car accident, and that is something that I am aware of everyday, but somehow seeing photos of that time brings it all back more clearly.I’ve had a few requests from readers to finish “our story” so that they can learn how Audriana did with her recovery. Well, to do that the way I want to will take time, so in this post I just highlighted some of the years with photos.

There are lessons in every single thing that happens to us in life. With Audriana’s accident, I have learned so many things. Here is a short list of some of my most valuable lessons:
- I’ve learned that just because you give birth to a healthy baby, physically and mentally perfect in every way, doesn’t guarantee that he or she will always be that way.
- Having a child with disabilities isn’t the end of the world.
- Don’t believe everything that doctors tell you. They can’t be sure of every outcome just based on their past experiences. If we believed what all the doctors told us about Audriana’s probability of recovery, we would have had low expectations of her and thus hindered her enthusiasm and motivation to get better. Instead, we believed she would WALK out of the rehabilitation hospital at the time of her discharge, and we told her this, and guess what? She did just that, surprising all the staff. But we were not surprised. We knew.
- Friends and family do not always know what to say or how to respond when you have a tragedy in your life, and you have to forgive them for that. There was a time when you probably didn’t know how to, either.
- I’ve learned that you waste precious time when you mourn the past. It keeps you from enjoying all that you have in the present.
- I’ve learned that I’m stronger than I thought I was. You know how you always think, if that happened to one of my kids, I could never live through that, or I could never deal with that? Well, I once thought that way. But I surprised myself.
- In marriage, you need to know that how one spouse grieves is not necessarily how the other spouse grieves — and that’s okay.
- I’ve learned how not to sweat the small stuff! There are few things in life that are serious enough to worry over…and whether or not my child gets an “A” on a spelling test isn’t one of them.
- Just because a person cannot move their body correctly or they cannot talk doesn’t mean that they cannot understand everything you say to them perfectly fine. There is no need to TALK LOUDER …..or…..more…..s-l-o-w-l-y…… to a brain injured person. They can take things “in” just like you and I can — it’s getting things “out” that is hard for them. (this used to happen to Audriana all the time, and it would really get her angry. She hated when people talked to her in a slow, baby voice…or really, really loud as if she were hard of hearing.)
- I’ve learned that each and every day spent with our children is a gift and not to take one second for granted. When I say that I get that, I mean that I really, really GET THAT. When you almost have one of your children taken away, you get that one pretty quick. It’s a life lesson that I will never, ever forget!
Wow, what a story! I just found your blog from a link party. I’d love to interview you on my podcast, Bringing Up Betty. It’s about raising kids with special needs. Definitely have a listen and get in touch if you’re interested!
Hi my name is Liz Gonzalez and about 2 months ago my mom had a bad fall she has short term memory loss she forgets everything in just seconds. I’m a certified nurse’s aid and I’ve taken care of people in my moms condition. Doctors have told me that she will never recover I don’t believe that. I read your story twice and now I know o have some hope.I’m glad Auriana is doing great. And I do feel blessed that I still have my mom thank u god and thanks for your words of encouragment. If u ever want to have an update on my mother u can contact me at
I’m so glad you updated on this. I read Audriana’s story from the accident and was hoping for an update. I am so glad she’s doing so well. What an emotional trying time for you guys and I know your story will help so many people.
Thank you so much for sharing! We are now 4 months into our own journey with our child who just sustained brain damage, and the lessons you shared at the end of this post are so valuable and such true and precious lessons! I am learning them now.
Thank you!
This was an amazing story to read! Thank you so much for sharing
I’ve been mesmerized by your story for the last I don’t know how long. It brought me to tears, practically sobbing, as I couldn’t help but put myself in your shoes for a brief moment. And the recovery she made! It was inspiring and heartwarming to read. I have a 3 and 5 year old and I am reminded to be thankful and not to ever take anything for granted. Life is about the precious tiny moments, those are the ones I am trying to capture now.
Thank you for your story. Your family is blessed. Audriana is amazing and beautiful and I really appreciate your sharing that with all of us.
I followed you over hear after you commented on my blog. I am already a follower but had never read your and Adrianna’s story so spent the last 20 min doing that. I cannot imagine, as this is one of every parent’s nightmares. I just praise God YOU were the parents and Praise HIM for the small and large miracles. May God continue to bless your family and work His healing hands in Adrianna’s body.
Wow Katrina… Your story is so incredibly moving. What a testimony to God’s healing hand! I am wiping away tears…of sadness at the traumatic incident… tears of joy at the healing God did… and then celebrating the life she and you have today. Definitely not what you expected!! But gaining a greater appreciation for life and many other things is priceless.
(you can follow my blog if you’d like at
What a terrific, inspiring story that I needed to read so much today. I have been really down about my son’s ASD lately. I needed to hear someone say these things to pull me out of my pity party and help me focus on the future. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I’ll be following along to hear part two of the story
Wow. I just read through your family’s story and so admire you and your family. I just graduated this last week in Special Ed… know a bit about TBI and the process the family goes through. You guys are all amazing! I’m so glad to read how well you all pulled through. Thank you for sharing it, it helps me better grow my understanding to help future students!
Also, can you tell me more about the Patterning Therapy? My son has Autism.. wondering if it would be beneficial for him?
Get the book What To Do About Your Brain Injured Child by Glen Doman. This describes the therapy that we did on Audriana for the three years following her accident. And yes, they (IAHP) work with children with Autism. In fact, it is with Autistic kids that they see the most progress.
Katrina…I just spent the last hour or so reading all about you and your family. I too would like to read part 2 of your story! I am so glad there is a happy ending. Thanks so much for sharing and I’m so happy to know you!
Katrina, you have such a precious family. It was neat to see your family grow in the photos, and I’m so happy to read that Audriana surprised her doctors with her progress.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing with us your story. So inspiring. You have a beautiful family!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.. I was looking over yours. Beautiful family.. Amazing little girl.( now woman) she is happy in every one of her photos.
What wonderful life lessons.. Great reminder for me.
i’m so glad you posted this! it was really neat to see all her pics. i’m glad you guys gave her 110% for her recovery and made it through because she turned out to be a WONDERFUL girl. you guys always amaze me! hope yall had a great weekend!
Your families story is amazing and beautiful.
I really enjoyed reading what you said at the end, and I think more people need to take to heart your reminder that just because someone’s body doesn’t work perfectly, doesn’t mean they can not understand you. Excellent point.
I found you at Mom Blog Network and am your newest follower .
Please stop by my place!
Katrina, thanks so much for posting this. When I read your story, I knew there was a happy heart really wanted to hear it! When you read something like that, you can’t help but put yourself in that mama’s shoes for a minute. A sliver of the heartbreak you were feeling ebbed in, and I wanted to know what happened from there. Your Audriana is a beautiful girl and proof that miracles happen, and sometimes they are made even better through a lot of hard work. God bless you and your family – you are all so beautiful! Blessings, Megan
wow, what a beautiful and inspiring story about a beautiful and inspiring young woman!