Well, we got some brand new sand toys the other day. They arrived via UPS from Lakeshore Learning, which as some of you might know is one of my top five favorite stores to spend money. We headed out to the park to try them out. We usually walk to the park, which is no big deal and takes us no more than ten minutes to get there. But today? Well, it took about triple that amount of time. Because Aria insisted on pushing her new sand toys in her shopping cart.
All. The. Way. To. The. Park.
Can you just imagine? A two year old. Walking all that way. Pushing a cart.
Thank goodness I’m an unusually patient person. I didn’t even rush her. I didn’t even complain the 20 times she told me she was “tired” and it was “too hebbbby!!!” and made me push it for a minute or two before she wanted to again. (can you just see me pushing that little, tiny thing? I’m 5′ 9″ tall. It wasn’t fun stooping over to push it by the handle. After a while I just picked the whole thing up and carried it. Usually by that time she was ready to push it again, though.)
We finally made it to the park with some daylight to spare. Ugh, what a walk that was! But it was so very worth it — it was! — because they were the BEST sand toys ever! And they kept her entertained the entire time we were at the park. I just love how into her play she is lately. She does the whole “pretend I’m the mommy” thing right now, too. So cute! Two and a half is such a precious age.
Too precious! That age is such a fun (and trying) age! How I miss it! I wish I were more inherently patient!