So do YOU know what to do if you find yourself choking when no one is around? They say you could throw yourself over a chair or over a couch to dislodge whatever is in your windpipe, or you could do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself, but to do both of those techniques would take a lot of force – enough force to hurt yourself, and even in a panic we are not likely to intentionally do something that would hurt our bodies. What happened to Chad was an actual fall, not something he planned or even tried to do. And that is why it worked. He fell hard enough for it to work correctly. But even if he hadn’t fallen, his parents would have reached him in time. So what he did RIGHT was to get the attention of those in the house.
If you find yourself choking and you are alone in the house…
1) call 911 from a land line immediately.
2) leave the phone off the hook
3) go to your front door and open it. Leave it open.
4) at that time you can begin trying to dislodge whatever is in your windpipe… but do the other steps FIRST!
This simple advice will save your life. Why? All emergency units respond to 911 calls, whether or not you are able to speak. If you’re experiencing a true choking emergency you’ll be unable to speak. So, leaving the phone line open ensures that emergency personnel will respond. On average, our blood contains about 6 minutes of oxygen. Even though you’re choking, the heart is still beating, pumping blood and supplying oxygen to the brain. By going to the front door and opening it for the responders, you’re removing an obstacle that may prevent them from getting to you before the brain suffers from lack of oxygen.
You could also try going to your neighbor if you know they are home…but always call 911 first and stay visible so that the emergency crew can get to you as soon as possible.
*name has been changed for privacy

I don’t even understand how I ended up right here,
however I thought this put up was good. I don’t know who you’re however certainly you’re going to a
famous blogger in case you aren’t already. Cheers!
Well, it appears you were lost and ended up at my blog – glad you enjoyed my post. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Cheers right back at ‘cha!
This is my biggest mommy phobia (that and car accident injury, which is why my girls are and will be rear facing as long as possible and I love your info about this) and I am constantly telling my older daughter “small bites, chew carefully, don’t speak with your mouth full” etc. etc. How amazing that you probably saved that boy’s life.
I just found your blog (from your post on mine, thanks!) and am really enjoying reading through it. It’s wonderful! – Amy (Motherhood and Miscellany)
Oh wow! That is so amazing! You saved his life by teaching him that lesson.
I choked when I was alone many years ago. I remember eating a piece of cheese and then not being able to breathe. I remember trying to dislodge it and not being able to. It never even occurred to me at the time to call 911.
I woke up covered in an awful sweat on the living room floor. I immediately called my doctor and she said that when I passed out my throat relaxed enough to let the cheese pass through. It was terrifying.
Wow! So good you told him! Thanks for sharing- I honestly didn’t know the part about opening the door to my house, but it makes so much sense. I will tell my friends!
I came over from The Spohrs Are Multiplying
Wow, Katrina – so glad you had that talk with that little guy! Whew!I am going to put a link to this post on my blog, it’s great advice!+
Thanks for swinging by 2 Against 1 – Twins. Following back now. Happy to hear someone who is actually envious of me and my twins, most tell me they wouldn’t want to trade places with me. They’re my everything and challenging at first, yes. But I think being a new mom can be challenging to anyone. Wow 9 children! I am so happy to be a follower of yours, you are an inspiration.
Wow, that is totally a God thing that you told him that info so soon before he needed it! This is a great story!
Great post. This is a blog I will definately have to keep up with
Thank You for following me and visiting my blog. I really appreciate it.I’m now following you.
I do love all the names of your children. I named my kids with J’s.
omg! your kids name start with A’s!
So do mine: Alain- french for Alan, and Aiden.
Wow this is so scary. I seriously have not talked to my oldest about this and I should. You saved that boys life!
BTW I love that you have a big family, for some reason people think we are crazy when we said we want lots of kids (we have an 18 yr old and and a 22 mo. old) Your family is beautiful, thanks for the lovely comment.
Who would have thought your lil advice to that boy would help save his life! What a great story
So glad you came and visited my blog, I thought I had already added you but I guess I didn’t so I am now a follower. Your blog is great and the story of Audriana broke my heart.
Oh and yes Kelly’s blog is amazing, love it!
Wow! Quite the read. You know you probably saved that little boys life. He knew to make some noise!! Before he may have just panicled and passed out.