10) I love that he gets up at 5:30am to start his day…and he uses this time to exercise, go to the grocery store, and to cook us breakfast all before we even wake up.
9) I love that he doesn’t always listen to me when I tell him not to buy “junk” cereal…because to be honest, I like a bowl of Lucky Charms every now and then just as much as the kids do.
8) I love that when he’s home from work, he considers me “off duty” and I get to sleep in late, and he takes over all the morning activities.
7) I love that he is not a couch potato — one place I will never find my husband is sitting on the couch with the remote in his hand. He is always out doing something with the kids, at one of the kid’s sporting events, or being helpful around the house.
6) I love that he enjoys being a daddy and shows it every single day he is home by playing with our children.
5) I love that he is physically fit and strong.
4) I love that he saves lives for a living. I love that he is rewarded by the job that he does.
3) I love how he acts silly and makes us all laugh.
2) I love that he lets me rest whenever I am sick or need to heal from something. He sends me to our room and I am “off limits” to the kids — he cooks, cleans, and does everything else so that I can rest, uninterrupted. That is priceless to me.
1) I love that he lives for me and our children, and loves us with 100% of his heart and soul.
This weekend I’m participating in these Blog Parties:

WOW!! Nine kids …
Great Post. Very encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring.
Can your husband give my husband some father lessons? 😉 I love my guy, but he works a lot…and when he is home, he spends a lot of time on the COUCH. Drives me insane, but I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. :s
Thanks for sharing…loved seeing the photos!!!
what a sweet list! i love that my husband is always at our kids’ events too in addition to tons of other stuff
What a beautiful blog and family!
I found your blog through the Boost my Blog hop. I’m your newest follower.
This is such a neat idea. Love the frame!
Feel free to check out my blog at: http://inadaze13.blogspot.com/
Hi this is Nicole from Colie’s Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance. http://www.colieskitchen.com
This was an absolute joy to read (and look!)
What a wonderful post, so much love between the two of you. And all those children. I’ve nothing but admiration for you as a mother.
I am following from a blog hop…new follower. This is a most excellent post, especially when I read your side bar…only 3 days, I’m so sorry for your loss! You are amazing and your family feels like a model of love.
I hope you will visit my blog:
AH!! I just love to come across people that so openly love their spouse and family!! Thank you for setting that example!
I’m a new follower, and I’m looking forward to browsing more of your blog!
You have such a Beautiful Blog! Such a loving Mother! I’m a new follower Happy Friday!! I would love for you to stop and take a look at my blog as well! Thanks!
I am astounded – you have 9 children and still look that gorgeous?!? Bless your heart and you go mama! Following you back.
Debbie from nofiltermom.blogspot.com
Officially following you & loving it —from follow fridays..I’m Marilyn from http://theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com …Hope you can visit sometime.. LOVE your blog..;))