It’s been super busy here. Just completely non-stop — one thing after another: soccer practices, soccer games, soccer tournaments, baseball practices, baseball play-offs, batting practices, dentist appointments, violin concerts, piano lessons, a family wedding, school science fair projects, school country fair, two haircut appointments, girl scout mommy& me event, girl scout weekend camping, ER visit — and this is all in just the past 5 days.
HIM: Yea…um…it’s still hurting. (pacing our room, hand on his chest)
ME: (lifting my head off of the pillow, yet again) Okay, well…what can I do for you? How can I help?
HIM: You can’t. It just hurts.
ME: Do you want to come lie back down? Try to sleep?
HIM: No. It hurts worse when I lie down.
ME: Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you to the hospital?
HIM: No, no. I can wait until morning.
ME: You sure?
HIM: Yeah.
ME: Okay then…well, I’m going back to sleep. Unless you want me to stay up with you?
HIM: No, I’m okay. Go back to sleep.
ME: Okay.
one minutes passes.
HIM: Man, I think it’s getting worse.
ME: Okay, let’s go to the ER.
HIM: No.
ME: Is this a money-thing? You don’t want to pay for an ER visit? Is that it?
HIM: No, I just don’t want to over-react.
ME: But you’re in pain. Plus, you’re keeping me up.
HIM: Go back to sleep, then.
ME: Well, I would. But you keep talking.
HIM: I can’t help it. It hurts.
ME: If it hurts that much, we should go to the hospital.
HIM: No, I don’t need to.
two minutes pass, I think I almost fall asleep again…and then:
HIM: It just really hurts!
ME: (getting out of bed now) OMG, let’s go. Get in the car.
HIM: Okay, yea…maybe I better.
I text back:
and I put my phone back on the night stand, roll over, and fall back asleep.
About a half hour later, another text wakes me up. It’s now 2:45am.
Yeah, right, I’m thinking. Now he’s just trying to make me feel guilty.
Walk home.
At 3:00am.
Uphill all the way.
After a visit from the ER.
Yea, rite! As if!
Now, while I may not be the perfect wife, I am definitely not cruel!
So I text back:
And…I fall back asleep.
The next text comes not too long after the last one.

Playing catch up on here. This one made me laugh. It is pretty much exactly any given scenario that takes place within our lives. The joy and wonder of a ton of kids, I have learned, has taken the emergent criteria to new lows. You’re moving air, you still have 3 pints of blood…or at least a good one and a half to two….and your limbs are all working. I totally see it and laugh with you. I especially liked the text “Not a heart attack” and the reply of, “Good to know.” Glad all is well and you got your extra 20 minutes in! LOL!