Still working on the side yard. I had hopes (okay, demands!) that it be complete by July 12th – – but because it’s been worked on a little each day (as opposed to just sitting stagnant) I’m okay with the slow process.
On this day, our son Alex is helping to take the cement forms out. To do this he needed to use a drill and a sledge hammer. He took the forms off one entire side and half of the other, taking the stakes and the screws out one at a time, which took him a good amount of time.
this is a photo that shows how long the path is
Rich could probably have done it in half the time, but then what would that teach Alex? With Alex doing it himself he is not only learning how to be handy but he is also learning the value of hard work.
And once this side yard is complete and looking good, Alex will know that he had something to do with it … and that has to be a good feeling for an 11 year old kid!
That is awesome parenting! You are instilling amazing characteristics in this young man. :o)