That is strange. I mean, where do you land then?? You ought to send that in to the Ellen Show!! New fan here, following Thank you for coming by basilmomma
Thanks for following me – I just wanted to drop a note letting you know I am now following you back!
Your comment makes me laugh. Although not an Aries (I’m a Pisces!) I do have a March birthday. The 18th, actually – just a few days short of being an Aries. Too funny!
You have an absolutely beautiful family! I would love to have a big family, but my husband is good with 2 or 3. You are definitely an inspiration!
New follower from TGIF blog hop.
Thank you for the follow and for joining my TGIF Blog Hop!
I am your newest follower! Super cute blog!
You have 9 kids!! That is so awesome
Yes, we must live by each other. Thanks for finding me, so glad you did. New follower 
That is strange. I mean, where do you land then??

You ought to send that in to the Ellen Show!!
New fan here, following
Thank you for coming by basilmomma
Haha, that’s hilarious.
Thanks for following me – I just wanted to drop a note letting you know I am now following you back!
Your comment makes me laugh. Although not an Aries (I’m a Pisces!) I do have a March birthday. The 18th, actually – just a few days short of being an Aries. Too funny!
Definitely strange. You have a beautiful family! Glad to be a new follower!