Rain at the end of July? Really? That’s not our normal weather. Yep, something was up, all right.
The kids didn’t put away their bikes last night — who knew it would rain? So now we need to wipe them all down or else they will rust.
Added to that excitement….her birthday iPhone.
Audriana will miss her Girl Scout troop, but she’s planning on keeping in touch with all the friends she’s made. She also plans on volunteering as an assistant leader for a younger troop, so hopefully she will keep active in The Girl Scouts. She’s made many wonderful memories over the years.
Finally, I took a photography workshop this weekend! I learned how to shoot my camera in the manual mode. I haven’t perfected it, and I have a lot of trial and error before I get it all figured out, but at least it’s a step in the right direction.
One of the things we practiced was stopping motion. So our instructor twirled around and we had to set our camera to the correct settings to make it so she isn’t blurred….

Hi from your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by and visiting mine as well.
LOVE your blog header picture! And these last two pictures that you took in your workshop are amazing. Great job!
Smile and Mama With Me
Hi Katrina!
Loved your Sunday update and all the photos. What a beautiful family . . . I’m guessing there is NEVER a dull moment in your life!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment and following my blog . . . I look forward to catching up on your blog!
Have a wonderful day . . . Gina
Hi there,
Stopping by from voiceBoks…enjoyed your post. I hate when I misplace anything, especially my wallet! Loved your photos, and am a new follower.
You have a wonderful blog and an adorable family! You sound so cool handling such a big role of your life and I salute you for that! Why, I usually loose my grip to insanity with my terrible two while you… you have 11! And look at you, you talk with so much grace (under pressure, I know!)
I’ll be a regular reader of your posts!
Looking forward for more.
Visiting from voiceBoks here:
Dangzter Online
Hi Katrina! You have such a beautiful family! I am stopping back at your blog to thank you for your comment on my blog post “A Hot Mess”… I had to laugh when you said that you don’t trust the Chuck E Cheese hand-stamping procedure either… I swear I walk around that place in a permanent state of panic when I go! LOL
But anyway, I just read this post and could totally identify with the whole wallet debacle. My husband always laughs at me when I lose stuff… he says, “Why don’t you just call out ‘Honeeeeey? Can you help me find…(whatever)’ because the MINUTE I ask him to help me look… voila… there it appears… even if it wasn’t there a minute ago when I looked! LOL
Anyway, you have a beautiful blog, and a beautiful family! I am in awe of your ability to manage such a large family, and I inspired by your optimism. God bless you, and thank you again for stopping by Misadventures in Motherhood. I hope you’ll stop back again!
Smiles, Jenn