I was not so desperate to clean house last week that I bribed my little ones with candy, telling them they could have candy ONLY IF they ate it out in the back yard and STAYED out in the backyard. Oh, no…not me!
And once I got them all out back with their candy, I did not lock the backdoor so that they could not come back in until I was ready for them to come back in. Lock my kids outside? Oh, no…not me!
I did not leave the shopping cart right smack in the middle of the parking lot because I forgot and had already strapped Aria into her carseat and did not want to get her out again. Nope, not me!
I did not throw my child’s unwashed soccer uniform in the dryer with a dryer sheet to make it smell better 20 minutes before the game because I was behind on the laundry and forgot he had a game. I did not!
I did not send my 8 year old to a baseball game wearing a clean but very, very damp almost wet uniform because, again, I forgot he had a game and remembered only when it was time to go and realized that his uniform was still sitting in the washing machine. Oh, no…not me!
I am not wearing the same jeans for the 4th day in a row today. No, I am not!
I did not stay up until 2:00am last night just wasting time on the internet, looking at other blogs, when I could have either been sleeping or cleaning something. Nope, not me!
Lately I do not look at newborns and babies and feel that I want another one. No, I do not!
I did not stand up and yell at the referee last weekend because he failed to call an offsides that resulted in a goal for the other team while my kid was the goalie. And I did not care that all the parents stopped to stare at me as I did so. I did not forget that this isn’t World Cup but just an 8 year old’s soccer game. Oh no, not me!
MandyMom.com says
My husband calls it “recycling jeans”. He tries to get at least 3 wears out of each pair of jeans before I wash them. LoL!
I do not lock my kids outside with popcicles….. never, ever! 😉
Tiff says
Hey! Following you back.. Sorry it took me all week! You know how it can Beas a mommy!
Anonymous says
trooppetrie says
i do not bribe my kids with freezer pops so they will stay outside a little longer
Mom on a Coulee says
Just wanted to say how wonderfully beautiful I think your family is, such a refreshing site in today’s world, I found it fun how many commonalities I found with you…alhtough I have only four children here I also have two in heaven, I’m an Arbonne consultant and I’m the mom that yells at the refs at an 8 year olds soccer game, although the problem being I’m usually coaching too so I have to be careful. God Bless, I’ll be back to read more soon.
Dagmar says
Katrina, how funny! I can’t imagine how you juggle so many kids – I only have one! I’m so glad you found my blog yesterday and hope you will come by again. The jeans thing? Been there! LOL
Lovely to have a new “friend”
Dagmar’s momsense
RockinMom says
I was CRACKING up as I read all of these because I could have written every single one of them! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog.
Kyle says
So funny that I just got your comment on my blog as I was reading yours!! What a beautiful family you have!