I did not turn around while at a stop light to snap this sweet photo of my Aria snoozing in her car seat, and then heard an angry honk! from the car behind me because the light had turned green and I wasn’t paying attention. No way, not me!
While at our local mall, I did not embarrass my kids by making them take a photo of me standing next to a Breaking Dawn poster as if I were some kind of Twilight groupie. Nope, not me!
I did not let my three year old make Jell-O while sitting up on our kitchen counter. Why would I do that, when she could sit perfectly well, and much safer, at the kitchen table? This just doesn’t seem like something that I would allow. No way, not me!
And finally, I did not have such a crazy-busy week last week that I got out the Geoboards, let the kids play around with them for a little while, and called it our math lesson for the day. No, I did not! Not me! Because math isn’t supposed to be fun, right?
What sort of things did you not do recently?
I’d love to hear them!
I did NOT run out of gas on the way to the store with two small kids in the car and have to call to be rescued because for some odd reason it never occurred to me in a full week to consult the all knowing dashboard.
I did NOT forget about Thanksgiving this week.
That’s pretty bad, isn’t it.
Alpine Dermatology
I did not fill three fridges with food yesterday and then take the kids out for dinner because I was exhausted after all that planning … no way, who would do that?
I get those honks all the time. Picking up dropped books, rescuing fallen snacks and helping the kids drink water.
It would never be because I am checking fb on my phone at red lights.
I love your not me mondays! They are my favorite to read!
As for me…no I did not just encourage my sister to have her and her kids skip school on Wednesday so we can go spend the day at the beach in CA before Thanksgiving…nope not me!
LOL! I LOVE this! And I agree with Cranky Old Man… That horn honker needs some patience! That pic was TOO cute to pass up on! Your daughter looks perfectly safe (so long as she doesn’t lean hard to the right) and I can’t WAIT to watch Breaking Dawn! As for the geoboards… WHERE HAVE I BEEN? I have never seen or heard of those? I will definitely have to get some, because we’re currently working on Geometry! 😀
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Through the Eyes of a Tiger! Following back!
First – F*** the horn honker. When someone once did that to me, I got out of the car and asked him what was wrong. Is my tire flat? (I was young and stupid) I made the light, he did not!
Second, it is your responsability to embarass your children at every chance.
Third- that is just wrong. Glad you did not do that.
Finally – Shapes are important!
Cranky Old Man
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hahahaha this is such a great idea! I’m right there with ya with the Breaking Dawn Love. It was amazing, wasn’t it?!?!?!
I think geo boards are great! I used to bust those out when I was a teacher and the kids loved them. :o)
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