It wasn’t me who forgot all about Daddy & Me Day at Andrew’s preschool, which was at 11:00am this past Saturday. It wasn’t me who made sure that Rich was off work that day, so that he could attend this special event with Andrew….and when the day came around, it wasn’t me who woke up early and wrote down all the “to do” things for that day on our white board: the Daisy Girl Scout meeting, Aislynn’s soccer game, Kung Fu lesson, A.J.’s base ball practice, Afton’s soccer game, Alex’s soccer game, Andrew’s soccer game, and finally at the end of the day our Church’s Dinner/Auction Dance…. but yet forgot to put the Daddy & Me Day on the schedule, which should have been written in between Aislynn’s soccer game and Andrew’s soccer game. And it wasn’t me who only realized we missed the Daddy & Me Day this morning, two days AFTER the event! Not, it’s not me who is slowly losing her mind due to over-scheduled weekends, not me who is always trying to squeeze everything in, not me who is trying to be a SuperMom who does all and knows all but is failing miserably. Nope, that’s not me!
Okay, yeah…it was me.
my sweet preschooler
In this crazy house, if things are not written on the white board, they do not happen. It’s as simple as that. I can’t believe I forgot to write the Daddy & Me Day on our schedule!! Ugh!!! I’m so feeling the Mommy Guilt about this! This is Andrew’s one and only time in preschool, and this was his one and only time to have Daddy & Me Day. All of my other kids did this when they were in preschool. After all these years, all these kids…this is the only one we have missed! And Rich was home and able to go, that even makes it worse! It’s not like he was stuck at work or anything. How could we forget??!! The one good thing is that Andrew didn’t even know this was planned, since it was scheduled on a Saturday instead of during regular preschool hours. So hopefully it won’t be talked about much when he goes back to school on Tuesday. I just don’t want his little feelings to be hurt! That’s all I care about.
I’m going to try to have a good day today despite the awful feeling of Mommy Guilt that I have going on right now. Oh yea, the Mommy Guilt is unmerciful. I just know that all day today whenever I look at Andrew, the Mommy Guilt will whisper to me: Poor little #8 – so neglected, so forgotten…not important enough to be put on the schedule….
Ugh! Like I need THAT in my head all day.
Ugh! Like I need THAT in my head all day.
I guess I will just kiss and hug and color with and play with and read to Andrew EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA today, to make myself feel better. Rich is coming home today, so maybe I’ll set up some paints and Play-Doh and shaving cream with popsicle sticks (at all the Daddy & Me Days they always do the pretend-shaving-thing) and Andrew and Rich can have their own Daddy & Me Day right here, at home. No, it won’t be the same…but maybe I can snap a few photos and it will make me feel just a little bit better? Maybe?
I think you have the right idea with limiting activities. I wish I could do that. I mean, I could do that, of course. But I just have this “thing” going on inside my head where I want them to experience the things that they want to do. One loves piano, and soccer, and Kung Fu and is good at all of them (Alex) and so I just have a hard time picking just one thing. Times this by NINE and there you have it – we are way over-scheduled. But I will admit that I LOVE watching them in all that they participate in. Yea, I might miss something here and there, or forget to put it on the schedule and it gets overlooked. But for the most part, we make and attend everything. We are busy but not unhappy. I think that’s the key. When it starts to affect our happiness, something needs to give.
Yay! But bummer on the Daddy and Me day. Something I would totally do, except that I don’t have my kids in very many activities, and my preschooler does NOTHING, so there ya go. I’m a slacker mom. I really hate running around to all the activities, so each kid gets to pick ONE a year, like soccer, dance, scouts, whatever. I do my darndest to make them do stuff together, to limit how many places I have to go :). I’m sure that lots of people didn’t go to that, it was on a Saturday! Who wants to go do a weekday thing on a Saturday?
Oh, he’s a handsome boy!
You have 9 wonderful children and I’m sure you do more than most ( I hate when I hear, I don’t want to home with the kids comment). Your little one will forgive you. There is still to many things you guys will be a part of.
I have never done that either! Hope your week gets better!