Rich has been at work for the past five days. So it’s been just me and the kids. It’s been a bit crazy and very busy, but what else is new, right? The kids were getting impatient about getting our Christma tree, and I kept putting them off with “let’s wait for daddy to get home” but after a few days of that, I decided not to wait.
So, being that Tony works for Home Depot, one day while he was at work I sent him a text: Bring home a tree today. A big one.
and then he texted back: Ok.
For some reason it didn’t even occur to me that he wouldn’t have Rich’s truck. How would he be able to bring a big tree home in his little convertible Volkswagon?
I love this kid.
He’s a just-go-with-the-flow type of personality.
Mom said to bring home a tree, so he did. No questions asked.
So now we have a tree up in our living room, the lights are on it, and we just need to trim the tree with ornaments. (We will wait for daddy to be home to do that!)
And since I’ve decided that our home isn’t busy and crazy enough, enter Penny….
Our neighbors are moving….
and cannot keep their “Penny” anymore.
I didn’t want to see her spend the Holidays in the animal shelter.
So I said we would take her
and keep her until we can find her a home.
She’s just under a year old.
She is not house trained. At all.
She jumps up on everything, including people.
And she is at that one-year-old puppy-hyper stage that is oh so sweet
and yet oh so exhausting at the same time.
But oh my gosh, she’s so cute! I’d love to keep her. She’s be great company for Milo. The two get along great.
But the worst thing about Miss Penny is that she pees whenever she’s excited. Which is ALL THE TIME. For all you dog lovers out there, what do you DO about THAT??!!! I can’t have PEE in my house and on my floors and carpeting all the time! Yet, I don’t want her to be outside all the time, either. What to do? Anyone have any suggestions or tips for me?
If I can get this dog to mellow out some and to STOP peeing every dang second, Rich just might let us keep her. Right now, he is NOT happy with me. Nope, not at all. You could even say that I’m in the dog house right now, which is a first. Usually it’s the other way around! Rich has told me time and time again that he doesn’t want another dog. He believes that another dog will be a headache and thinks that one dog is enough for us. Two dogs = more food, more destruction, more poop, and it’s harder to travel when you have two dogs. All good points that I cannot argue with.
But still. Look at this face.
Could you have said NO to a face like this?

I hope you keep her! So many great dogs get put down everyday. I hope Rich changes his mind. I have a bulldog that pees when excited. I have anyone who is about to come home, greet her outside. I know you said she pees all the time but hopefully this helps some since you must have a lot of kids entering & re-entering the house everyday. Poor sweet penny, I hope Santa brings her a permanent, indoor, loving home for Xmas. I’m so glad you took her in
I’m probably commenting on the wrong post, but I just wanted to say your tree is gorgeous and beautifully decorated. And if I may say so, your husband is quite handsome.
I love Penny and I could not say no to that face – the best thing to do about the “excitapee” as I called it is to ignore it. My rescue dog used to do it all the time when I came through the door we used to pay attention and she would pee. After I stopped getting her all excited and paying attention when I walked through the door she stopped on her own. Do what you can you can’t let go of that cute Penny. Great tree btw..New follower from the hop hope you can come over and say hello!
New follower via Tough Cookie Mommy(Blog Hops)
I was told that the reason dogs get so excited when we come in, is not because they are happy to see us, but is more a touch of doggy control over humans and that the very best way to stop it, is to completely ignore them when you come into the house. Just walk past them, and if they jump up just push them down and walk away..sounds really cruel I know, but if it works it is better than having to clean up dog pee every time you come in.
As for general peeing etc…make sure you take them out really often and then make a huge fuss when they do something outside…when they do it inside, take the dog to the point of the mess, show them it, tell them its naughty in a level but angry tone and take them straight outside…if they go again outside make a massive fuss….
It has always worked with my dogs in the past…sadly we can’t have a dog where we live now otherwise I might have just come over and taken her from you – she is gorgeous! Ho hum never mind!
Hahaaa, that picture of Tony made me laugh so hard!
Is Penny part chihuahua? if so, chi’s have a “malfunction” that causes them to pee when they’re excited- or scared. we’ve got one that’s almost 6 yrs old, and we’ve still not found a way to fix it… BUT they do sell dog diapers, they help while inside.
Cheers Sue
omg. thats awesome. tree in the car. awesome.
hard wood floors! no seriously, i have no idea what to do about that, is she fixed? usually dogs calm down after they are fixed and maybe that will help with the wee wee too.
Aw I love Penny! I’m no help in the training department, we took our dog to a class but I want to wish you luck! Also can’t wait to see pictures of your tree all decorated 😀