So here it is, Sunday the 18th – and would you believe I have not bought ONE Christmas present yet? Well, believe it. Because I haven’t. I haven’t even been out there looking. I haven’t been on, either. I’m just a no-shopping-waiting-until-the-last-minute fool, is what I am. Ah well, it isn’t the first time. Probably won’t be the last. I am what they call a Last Minute Lucy (no offense to those named Lucy)
That last week of school before the Christmas break almost killed me. Everyday there was something extra going on. Thursday was especially busy. I had 3 school functions to attend: Avery’s choir performance, Andrew’s preschool performance, and Audriana’s high school choir concert. Then at the end of the night I had the annual Gift Wrapping function at my church. In between all of that I had the usual stuff going on. It was busy. I guess that explains why it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything.
Andrew was dressed as a shepard boy for his Nativity play
We had a homeschool Holiday Party on Friday, and Santa arrived to sing songs with all the kids! How fun! And afterwards, each child had an opportunity to tell him what they wanted for Christmas this year. Aria said, “A purple bike, a new Barbie, and sparkly shoes.”
I just love how this Santa brought Mrs. Claus along!
Even though I have not shopped yet, I am definitely getting into the Christmas spirit. The house lights are up and looking good, our tree is making the house smell wonderful, and there is Christmas music playing 24/7 in our home. I love this time of year!
Aria has been playing the piano for us lately, along with singing Christmas songs.
So serious! She’s concentrating on her song.
I love how the tree sparkles in the background.
So you know what else is making my Christmas cheery and bright? Penny! Oh yes, the dog. She is doing much, much better! Thank you to everyone who wrote in advice about what to do about sweet Penny. I’m happy to tell you that she is doing the nervous/excited pee very seldom now. She’s so darn cute, and I’m getting attached. So are the kids. Rich has not been home much due to working a lot of overtimes, and he won’t be please when he sees just how well she’s adapted to our household, and how much everyone loves her. Like I said, he really doe not want another dog. I’m hoping that the longer she is with us, the more she blends in, until finally he doesn’t even notice her. You think that might happen? Hey, it’s possible. What I’m really hoping for is for Rich to fall in love with her, too. It’s Christmastime…and small miracles can happen during this season, so you never know!
I don’t know how to fix that background, either. It is a little hard, but not impossible to read.
No shopping yet? And you have 9 to shop for? I really have no response to that. I think my brain exploded…
sorry about your website. it’s not too hard to read but yes the white box is gone. i love the pic of andrew, still can’t believe how big he is! the pic of the tree with aria playing the piano is really awesome too!
Great pics! I hope rich lets you keep penny. You gave birth to how many of his kids…I think he owes you this one request ;o) happy holidays! Best wishes for a happy new year too for everyone.