Things I hear often around the house…
It’s MY turn!
Mom…where is my _______?
Who ate the last _________?
(when looking in the pantry or the refrigerator)
No….not bedtime yet!
(when told to get into bed)
But I’m not tired!
(when told to get into bed)
I’m hungry!
Where is the Wii remote?
Okay, okay…I’m almost done!
(when told to get off the laptop)
Okay, okay…it’s almost over!
(when told to turn off the tv)
But it’s not fair!
(to just about everything)
I get to sit in the front this time!
(fighting over the front seat of the car)
Do we have to go?
Things I hear myself say many times a day…
Just don’t argue with me!
Get in the car, please!
Where are your shoes?!??
(mostly said to Aria and Andrew who never can find their shoes)
Turn the lights off, please!
Just eat it. I’m not a restaurant.
Go brush your teeth.
Did you flush?
Leave your sister/brother alone.
Where’s Aria?
(who is always in some room playing too quietly)
(who is always in some room playing too quietly)
Pick up your towel.
Get OFF the computer, please!
(mostly said to Alex and Avery)
WHERE is my PHONE?!!
(mostly said to Aria, Andrew and Aislynn
who take my phone to play games)
Pick up this mess, please!
Just stop! Enough, already!!
(said to stop the bickering amongst siblings)
Okay, I’ll admit that I don’t always say “please” after everything.
It just looks nicer written out that way 😉
A. E. says
Sounds like fun over there
Alpine Dermatology