I’m almost embarrassed to show these photos. But what the heck – we’re all friends, right? So here are some “before” photos of my boys’ bedroom closet.
It looked like this ALL the time. The closet organizer was built about 7 years ago by my husband. I never liked it and wanted so much to hire a company to come out and design a functional closet for my boys. But Rich vetoed that idea right away, saying that he could build one for a fraction of that cost.
And he did. But you get what you pay for, you know? Okay, I know he tried. But to be honest, the cheap drawers never worked right and the design was all wrong. Their closet was always an unorganized mess, and I hated it. So after seven years of that mess, I finally had a company come out for an estimate. I did not tell Rich, which is a complete no-no for marriages – I know. But sometimes you just have to bend the rules a bit if it’s for a good cause. And I think my sanity is a good cause, don’t you? Okay. So after listening to my ideas and desires for the perfect boys’ closet, the company’s designer came up with a sketch, we negotiated on the price for a little while…
we had this!
Much better, right? I thought so! Money well spent, in my opinion. I made sure the installation happened on a day that Rich was at work. Then when he came home, I said something like this:
“Honey, I’ve got a surprise for you. Come with me to the boys’ room. I’m telling you, I saved you a bunch of time ~ time that could be spent playing with the kids, bike riding, dirt bike riding, camping and fun things like that. I know you are so busy at work, and working on the house is the last thing you’d rather be doing, when you could be out playing. I know you are going to be pleased….”
And I lead him into the boys’ room, where all the kids were sitting and waiting for us.
When he walked in, they all yelled, “Surprise!!!” and he turned to look at the closet. I held my breath. Would he say, “HOW MUCH DID THIS COST?!!!” in an upset voice? or would he smile and say, “Wow, this looks great!” It could have gone either way.
To my relief, he smiled and said, “Wow! This looks great!” but then quickly added, “But how much did it cost?”
However, I was prepared. While rubbing his shoulders from behind, I said:
“Oh honey, now don’t you go worrying about that. After all, you can’t put a price on time, and I’ve just freed up your time by having someone else fix the boys’ closet! Think of all the other fun things you can do now…you know…since I freed up all that time for you.”
He turned, gave me a look and rolled his eyes after I said that … but then admitted that it looked great and that he was glad we had it done. So hey, it all worked out. I’m happy. The boys’ now have a neat and functional closet. And Rich has more time to play.
As I said, money well spent!
It does look great! I wish I could have someone do that to my whole house!
very cool! i love it! we went out and bought a closet thingy from lowes and even those drawers don’t open and shut right. they are such a pain! i’m glad you did it and saved rich the time
oh that is amazing awesome, our closets are scary. so love this idea.
A closet organizer makes me so happy. Nerd I know..lol. That looks awesome!
It does look great. I have always wondered about calling in professionals w/o hubby knowing because he always wants to do it himself and you really did do him a favor by freeing up his time.
It does look great!!
Looks great. My husband just did my new closet. Some of the shelves are too high so I need a stool but it’ll do for now. Now if only someone could build something to organize my pots & Tupperware
The new design is beautiful, but what caught my eye were the skateboard “shelves” just to the left of the closet. Those are cool!