From the expression on my face, I’m obviously not having fun in this moment in time. Do you think Rich is saying…
a) “You’re doing a great job, honey!”
b) “It’s 12:37pm. Kick off is at 3:30. How close are the contractions now?”
I’m tired. I’m in pain. My body has had it. Do you think Rich is saying…
a) Hang in there, honey! It won’t be much longer. You’re doing great!”
b) I hear Michael Jackson is doing the half-time show. We don’t want to miss that, right? Let’s get these contractions more productive!
I’m at the final stages of pushing. My face is all scrunched up and I’ve got an oxygen mask on my face. Rich is saying something to me at this point. Do you think he’s saying…
a) “….. one! two! three! — come on, baby, you can do it! — three! four!….”
b) “Perfect timing! It’s only 1:00 and in a few more pushes the baby will be out! Kick-off isn’t for another couple hours! Thanks, honey. You’re the best!”
Michael Jackson – Full Superbowl Halftime Show… by bigdb2984
google knows it 😀
As awesome as Michael Jackson’s Super Bowl performance was, it didn’t hold a candle to yours. =)
Following back from your linkup.
I really liked this post, what with the guessing game and all. I failed, though.
Hi there. Thanks for following. I followed back. I love your Super Bowl story, it’s very touching. Please come visit me again sometime, I love meeting new people and making new friends.