We love snowflakes in our hair.
We love making snowmen.
Some of us even get attached to our snowmen and don’t want to say good-bye.
Some of us love the clear blue sky and love taking photos of it.
Some love jumping in the snow…
and making snow angels
Some love sledding…
and picking up large chunks of snow.
Everyone loves snacking.
Some like sitting in the snow…
….making perfectly round snowballs
The boys and their endless snowball fights.
They just love slamming each other again and again…
and again.
For some reason Rich thought he could bundle up and take a nap on one of the sleds.
AS IF they wouldn’t find him.
AS IF they could somehow resist the urge to throw snow on his helpless form.
And as for me…well, me and my growing belly just sat around taking photos of all the fun.
Alex took this photo of me. Don’t I look at least 7 months pregnant? I’m only 4.5 months pregnant! And NO I’m not carrying twins! I must look so big because of all the layers of warm clothing that I’m wearing. Yeah, that must be it. It’s definitely the clothes!
Beautiful photos! And I’m SO jealous that you have snow! Please send some my way…
Great pics! Congrats on your pregnancy! My Mom had her 10th baby this past March. So excited for you and your family! Babies are so precious!
p.s. Love the belly pic!
Great pics!
Looking gorgeous! So happy for you, I’ve been reading for a while!! X