I’m happy to report that I made it through this 3-day weekend without going into labor. Yesterday I only had to attend 3 games, and today only two! easy-peasy!
My midwife is back in town, the birthing pool has been inflated and is ready to go (thank you to my oldest son, Anthony!) and it seems that except for the hose attachments still being lost, we are pretty much ready should this baby make his appearance soon. (well, the hose attachment is a major, actually. because without it we cannot fill the pool with water. Unless, of course, we do the tired and true “bucket brigade” like we’ve done the past three times!)
This photo was taken just the other night — you can see by the expression on my face that this was one of those days when I was just completely spent. Not only does my belly look extremely large in this photo, but I do not look all that happy. And that’s because at the time, I wasn’t! My bones hurt, my sciatica was acting up, and I was exhausted. Yep, I have days like this. I suppose all women in their 39th week of pregnancy have days like this.
But then I have days like this, when I’m walking in the mall and I feel like posing with another pregnant woman. Okay, this is a giant pregnant woman on a bill board, but still. I was in a good enough mood to pull this off. I’m 39 weeks here, too. It all just depends on the day I’m having, whether I look like the above photo, or this photo.
My kids never know which mommy they are going to get from any given point of the day. There’s the happy-to-be-pregnant mommy, who is happy and cheerful and walking around without limping. And that’s the fun mommy to have around. Then there is the I’m-ready-to-be-done-with-this-pregnancy mommy, who is grumpy and limping around the house and gets on their case if the house is messy and is just flat-out impossible to please. And that mommy is one that no one likes to be around. Who can blame them? My poor kids. Oh well, it will be all over soon. Once the baby is born, I will feel better. Such is always the case. And when I feel better, I act better. It’s really as simple as that.
Two more days until my due date — will I make it to my target date of June 2nd? It’s funny how I want to be “late” — most expectant moms don’t want to go a day over their due date. And yeah, I’m feeling uncomfortable and really DO want this baby out soon…but still. I have so much going on with the kids this week, and Afton’s prom is June 1st and I don’t want to miss that. So Sunday, June 2nd is when I want to have this baby. Do you think setting your mind to something like this will make it happen? You know how they say the power of the mind is a mighty thing and controls a lot…do you think that applies to when your body goes into labor? I wonder.
Oops, meant to say hope you last until after prom
I’ve totally been researching this power of the mind over the body stuff. I FULLY believe it effects all. I was just reading a study done where kids allergic to something were blindfolded and then some plant they were allergic to was rubbed on their arms. Nothing happened. Then on the other time they were told the thing they’ve had bad allergic reactions to in the past were being rubbed on them even though it wasn’t…you guessed it, they broke it. Amazing! Best of luck for a happy, healthy birth. I hope it’s after
I say it doesn’t hurt to try. Set your mind to keeping your little guy safe inside until June 2nd. What do you have to lose? I get the distinct impression that you are a strong person and you have a powerful mind. Either way, you will have a sweet new bundle of joy to welcome into your wonderful family.
Congrats on making through the hectic weekend. Hope your precious package arrives on June 2! Thanks for the update. Wishing you rest and peace.
You look great!! I hope you get to June 2nd!!! I wish you the BEST!!!
Love you!!!