I’m happy to report that I made my target date — I attended Afton’s prom photo shoot yesterday and saw her off for her big day! The little boy in my belly cooperated with me and stayed put. So now I feel very relieved. No more worries. He is free to come at anytime. And I am ready!
I am now 40 weeks plus 4 days. Yep, 4 days “late” and I’m still feeling like not much is happening. In fact, today I feel fine, as if I were in my 30th week instead of my 40th. The thing is…the longer I go, the bigger this kid is going to get. And while that doesn’t actually worry me too much (my biggest baby so far was 10 pounds 7 ounces) I certainly do not want to birth a 12 pound baby. So, the sooner this kid comes out, the better.
Not only that, but the kids are getting anxious! Every time they see me they ask, “Mom, is the baby coming today?” and when I say, “I don’t feel like today is the day.” they get so discouraged.

I will miss this belly! There’s just something about having the baby safe inside that brings me comfort. He’s all mine right now. I feel him move. I feel his hiccups. I feed him. He goes wherever I go. Soon he will be OUT and I will have to share him with everyone.
Rich is now off work until July 1st. We are so excited about that. What at treat to have daddy home a full month! School will be out soon, and Rich can take the kids to the beach and to the pool during the days, leaving me alone with the baby so that I can recover and bond with my new little one. I’m looking forward to that. I will have a nice “baby moon” — as they call it.
Just for fun…
Here is what my babies have all weighed. Who will guess the exact weight of this one?
Audriana (born 3 days early) 8 pounds 6 ounces
Afton (born 4 days early) 8 pounds 3 ounces
Alex (born 6 days late) 8 pounds 14 ounces
Avery (born 4 days late) 8 pounds 1 ounce
A.J (born 6 days late) 10 pounds 6 ounces
Aislynn (born on her due date) 9 pounds 2 ounces
Andrew (born 8 days late) 9 pounds even
Aria (born 2 days early) 10 pounds 7 ounces
(for those new to my blog, Anthony is not listed because I did not give birth to him – he’s my stepson- so his weight would not be relevant for this comparison!)
Killing me!!! Updateeeeee!!
you look great wishing you the best!
Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!! Aiden is beautiful!!
Congratulations on your sweet Aiden’s safe arrival. Although I have never met you all, I’ve been worried about you and Heather Spohr’s babies arriving safely Such wonderful news! Enjoy!!
I am guessing, 11 lbs. 9 oz, only becuase that is what my son weighed. I really dont’t think he’ll be that big – maybe 10 lbs. 9 oz.
9lb 5oz 20in
I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering if you made it to the 2nd. Glad to hear you did! And can I just say I think it is AWESOME that you home birth! I just had my first home birth (3rd child) almost seven weeks ago and I’m already thinking about the next one.
Good luck! I can’t wait to hear all about it.
11 pound sorry! Goodluck!jane
Wishing you a peaceful delivery of your precious little guy. Guessing 10 lbs 9 oz
He is so cute!!! Congratulations !!!!
Sue in TX
9 pounds 1 ounce. Good luck!
10lbs, 14 oz! And you look GREAT!
10 lbs. 7oz.
I’m so glad that you made it to Sunday! I’m guessing that your little one will be 10 pounds 10 ounces. So exciting to have your husband home for a whole month. Enjoy, and keep us posted, please!!