This is how Aiden likes to sleep. The trouble with this sleep position is that at 8 weeks of age, he is in his “falling” stage where he startles all the time because he feels like he’s falling. Lying on his back with arms and legs sprawled wide open like this is the perfect position to trigger this sensation. So what happens is that he wakes himself up constantly when he sleeps like this. He startles, and then he starts crying hysterically because he scared himself. So then I have to comfort him back to sleep. Poor little guy. And poor me, because he doesn’t sleep for more than a ten minute stretch in this position.
Now, when he’s on his tummy he will sleep for hours. No falling sensation happens when he is on his tummy. The trouble with tummy sleeping is that they warn you that it could possibly be a cause of SIDS. Now, whether tummy sleeping actually contributes to SIDS or not does not matter. What matters is that we have been warned, and if we’ve been warned, and if we go against that warning and something happens…well, then I know I’d never forgive myself. So that is why I don’t sleep him on his tummy — at night! But during the day, when I’m awake and I can peek over at him often…well the truth is I just can’t resist sleeping him on his tummy during the day because it’s the only time I can get things done around the house! He will nap for two-hour stretches! I put him in the same room that I will be in so that I can always see him, and I let him sleep. And sleep. And sleep.
As for me, I keep getting asked, “How are you sleeping? Are you getting much sleep at night?” because it’s assumed that with a new baby you have sleepless nights. Not the case for me. I sleep with Aiden right next to me, in our bed. He’s slept next to me since the day he was born. He sleeps on his back in his favorite sleeping position. Funny, but he doesn’t have his startle reflex when he’s next to me. He and I both sleep straight through the night. We typically go to sleep at around 10:00 or 10:30 and then Aiden wakes up at 6:00 or 6:30 the next morning. And then I will get up, put him in a fresh diaper, and then take him back to our bed. I lie next to him and nurse him, and I will talk to him a bit and he will look into my eyes and it’s just the sweetest time, I swear, my favorite part of the day. And then we usually fall back to sleep and will sleep for another hour or so. This has been our sleep routine since he was about a week or two old.
I know co-sleeping isn’t for everyone, but wow, it sure works for me. This is what I’ve done with all of my infants, and I’m one well-rested mama! You don’t change what works, right? Right!
I too found that my 3mo old sleeps better on his tummy. So naps are done like that. We also co-sleep and LOOOOOVE it! Definitely makes for a better rested mama.
If you look at the SIDS stats, it’s something like 3:2,000 on their tummies vs. 2:2,000 on their backs (not sure those are the actual numbers, but they are close). I say let him sleep however he is comfortable! Tight sheets and keep things away from his head
He is absolutely precious.
Aiden is adorable, and looks very big and chubby. More for squeezin!!
Donna, NY
Oh, he is beyond precious with his cute baby chub. I’m curious (nosey) about how you transitioned Aria from your bed to hers. Is she sleeping in the little bedroom that is part of your room? Our children took fooooreeevveer to move to their own bed.
Aria sleeps in the same room as her big sister Aislynn. She wasn’t too hard to transition into her own bed, but maybe that was because she was looking forward to sharing a room with her sister. Once Aiden came along, she was more than happy to get out of my bed and into her own! But even before he was born she was sleeping most nights in her own bed.
If I could do it all over again I would co-sleep. And baby on his knees sleeping is just the cutest most noofy thing… Sids indeed!!
I think by now you qualify as an expert.