To me, infants are the easiest stage in a child’s developmental years. They sleep a lot. They aren’t very mobile yet, so for the most part you can put them down and there they stay. And the best part for me is that they only want their mommy. I am Aiden’s comfort and his food supply. He knows me best and he always wants me. I love that!
One of my favorite things to do with Aiden is to change his diaper. I know. But it’s true! When I am changing his diaper, I am making him clean and comfortable, and that’s a good feeling for me. When I am changing his diaper, I am talking to him and singing to him, and he stares up at me with his big blue eyes. When I am changing his diaper, I make him giggle by grabbing his toes or blowing raspberries on his sweet little belly. I take this time to really interact with him. Changing my babies’ diapers has always been something that I’ve enjoyed, and the feeling hasn’t changed with this baby.
But you know what has changed? I’ve gone old school in regards to diapering this baby. I am no longer using disposable diapers, but instead I’m using cloth! That’s right: cloth diapers! Just like how our grandmothers did it, and for some of us even our own mothers. I’m dating myself now, but who cares. Yes, I was a cloth diapered baby!
Well, things have change. There are fitted cloth diapers and All In One’s and colorful covers and inserts that snap into the covers and I could just go on and on with all the choices you have these days. I ended up buying almost every kind of cloth diaper so that I could see which ones I like the best. Turns out I like the prefolds the best – and guess which kind those are? That’s right. I ended up liking the very kind my mom used on my little sister (and me). How crazy is that? With all the cute and modern stuff they have these days! Ah well. So I like the prefolds, and I like the fitted cloth diapers, which is just like a prefold except the diaper is cut to fit and it looks the shape of a disposable diaper. It also has elastic around the legs.
Here is one of my favorite covers on Aiden.
I’m way late to this post, just catching up after coming over from Sandi’s 😉 – I hadn’t been here to read since you had this babe eeek! I like the new design of the blog!
I CDd my last 3 of 5 and I, too, enjoyed almost every moment of it. When I had the 3rd baby in 4 yrs and a bit of a time keeping up my DH convinced me to go back to sposies and I missed my stash LOL That last baby just turned TEN (OMG where does the time GO?) and I *still* love watching the CD stashes and seeing them evolve even further!
I love the selfie…and his expression.
We have cloth diapered #3 and will be with #4 as well. It really isn’t that much harder and I like that I never have to run to the store because I’m out of diapers.
And that fox cover? Absolutely adorable.
I didn’t cloth diaper my daughters but I have a sweet opportunity to try again! Expecting my first granddaughter in November that I am blessed to be able to babysit and yes!, I’m cloth diapering. Good info and I’m even more convinced it’s the right choice. Stopping by from Friendship Friday @ Create with Joy.
I have 7 kids and started cloth diapering with #7 and I love it too! I too wish I had done it sooner! Oh well, I think experience and time teaches us a lot.
I am a M.O.M. (mom of many) who also loved cloth diapering – my last baby, I completely understand. Though I did use cloth about half the time with my first and second, by the time #3 arrived, I was just too busy (I thought) and I would forget to wash them. Of course, this was the still the rubber pants and pins style.
Sure wish I had discovered all that with baby #1. For now, I will just enjoy looking at such cute pictures of your sweet boy in those cute CD.
When #6 was expected almost 16 years later I thought I would give the new CD ones a try – but as he ended up with a colostomy bag from 3 days – 6 months old, I just never did it.
Forward to our gift of #7 (which we did not know with #6 we would have) – and I decided to go for it. Ordered a ‘try-it kit from Cotton Babies with prefolds, whisper covers and a snappi.and a few kisaluvs AIO and dug out my ‘old’ prefolds from the past. Well, I loved it! and even the older kids didn’t mind changing him, as the snappi and new covers were so easy. And using a dry diaper pail was sooooo much better than the way I had ‘old schooled’ it with a wet one in the past.
Between the diapers, and finally discovering the Moby Wrap carrier I almost convinced myself I needed another baby just to be able to use them again
I LOVE his expression. “Who is that OTHER baby” he seems to be saying to his reflection!
He’s a cutie. Stopping by from Mommy & Me Monday.
We had a diaper service in the 70’s. Had to rinse out the diapers in the toilet then save them in a bag for the service. We swapped out for new clean cloth diapers every week. Disgusting at first, soon became routine. I don’t remember what the service cost, but it must have been reasonable as we had barely a pot to pee in. Big pins were scary, but never jabbed myself or baby. I still have a couple of those old cloth diapers left, they make the very best rags for polishing!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! You are a rock star!!!