Aiden is at such a fun age right now! He is starting to use his hands to play with toys. Well, okay. Maybe he’s not so much playing with toys as he is sucking on them, because everything thing he grabs he pulls to his mouth. But still. He’s using his hands!
And he has found his feet! His newly-functioning hands have found his feet, and this is so neat!
Except when I’m changing his diaper. Then it’s not so neat. Because sometimes he reaches down for his feet and grabs other things that might not be cleaned off yet. And then I have to hold his hands back and change his diaper at the same time, and if you don’t think that’s a hard trick to pull off then you haven’t change enough 4 month olds.
But back to the playing.
What’s really neat about this stage in his development is that I can put him down on a blanket and he will be entertained by his toys. But that’s not the best part. The best part is that I can leave the room and know that when I come back he will still be in he same place that I put him! Best baby age ever!
Unfortunately, this wonderful stage doesn’t last long. I give him about three more weeks and then he will be rolling and scooting all around the house. And once he learns how to roll and scoot, well then the party’s over. That’s when I’ll have to start baby-proofing the house … and watching where I step!
But other than his inability to be mobile, I do love this age for other reasons. For one thing, he is giggling and laughing for us every day. That is so much fun. And he has developed an attention span. He will lie next to his sister and let her read to him for up to 15 minutes.
He’s really interested in the story, too. He’s not just being polite. I know this because I watch him while she reads to him, and his brows knit together at certain parts of the story. This is because he’s thinking about the plot as it unfolds. Yes, I’ve got myself a smart baby.
Smart and big! He has now officially outgrown his bouncy seat, and I’m so bummed about this. I love this bouncy seat! He falls asleep in it all the time. But his feet are hanging off the bottom now, so no more bouncy seat for this guy.
Another obvious sign that Aiden has outgrown his bouncy seat is when he started falling asleep while holding onto the side bars.
Because when baby boys start dreaming about riding a Harley Davidson, then you know it’s time to retire the old bouncy seat!
I just want to hold your sweet baby. He is beyond adorable. and what a big baby! Good work Mom!
I’m guessing at this point you can hip and arm block any attempt to grab a poopy diaper with your eyes closed!