Meet Thomas.
No, not the baby. You all know that’s Aiden.
Thomas is the blue potty seat. Thomas, as in Thomas the Train. Yes, I bought Aiden a Thomas the Train potty seat because he loves Thomas the Train, and I thought that he would use the potty if he had a fun potty seat.
I was mostly right with this assumption. He does enjoy his Thomas potty seat! He loves looking at it. He loves sitting on it. He loves peeing into the toilet while sitting on it. And if I’m not quick enough, he loves reaching through Thomas and grabbing a wad of wet toilet paper out of the bowl and throwing it at the wall.
And here?Are you saying, “Oh wow, that’s gross!” as if I don’t already know it’s gross? I KNOW IT’S GROSS. Do you think I enjoy having pee-soaked toilet paper hurled at my walls? In case you’re pausing to think about that, let me help you out: I DON’T!! It’s gross! But the kid is quick, I tell you. QUICK. He will do pee-pee, grab toilet paper from the roll and drop it into the bowl, then get off the potty, then quickly turn around and say, “I see the pee-pee, mom…” and before I can grab his sweet little hand, it’s in the toilet and throwing the wet toilet paper at the wall.
I blame myself. I mean, who am I going to blame? The two year old? Am I going to blame Thomas? No, I blame myself and my big 27 week pregnant belly that makes me bulky and slow and unable to keep up with this lightening fast toddler of mine. Since he’s been known to sit on Thomas for five minutes or so before he decides to pee, I don’t always stand there next to him …waiting. Sometimes I start to clean the sinks and the bathtub while I’m waiting. Or if I have my iPhone with me, I might sit on the side of the bathtub and check my email or Facebook just for entertainment’s sake. If I’m not quick, he will jump right off that potty and put his hand in the bowl. Ahhhhh! I’ve potty trained nine toddlers before this one, and Aiden is the only one to do this.
Anyway, wet pee-soaked toilet paper on my walls aside, Aiden is using the potty seat quite regularly this past week. He yells, “I go pee-pee on Thomas!” about six or seven times a day. Maybe more.
My only complaint (besides the occasional wad of wet pee-soaked toilet paper on my bathroom walls) is that the potty seat is kept in my master bathroom. And it stays there on the toilet seat pretty much 24/7. Whenever I need to use the toilet, I lift the thing off and then I put it back on again. No big deal.
But see, in the middle of the night, this pregnant mama has to pee quite a few times. If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know how that is. And when I get up at 2:00am to use the toilet, I am half asleep and the room is dark …. and I don’t always remember that Thomas is on my toilet seat. You get where I’m going with this? Let’s just say that Aiden isn’t always the only one in the house yelling, “I go pee-pee on Thomas!”
I’ll remember this story when my caffeine isn’t enough
Oh my Lord I’m crying I’m laughing so hard…..we have a new Irma Bombeck!
I needed a laugh today, thank you!
I’ve followed your blog for a few years and have always found you to be an inspiration. You, your family, and especially sweet Aaron are in my prayers. I wish pee soaked walls and baby were the most you had to deal with.
Me, too!
Thanks for your sweet comments:)