Guess who had a birthday?!!
That’s right. Aiden did! We celebrated Aiden’s 3rd birthday this month! Can you believe it? Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that he was taking his first steps? Well, he’s a big boy now. No fooling around. He’s officially out of his babyhood and into his preschool big boy years.
Lately he has been into those little Match Box cars, or as he calls them, “Team Hot Wheels” and so of course when I asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted, he thought about it for about half a second and then said, “I want a Team Hot Wheels birthday party!”
So that is what we gave him.
All the decorations, party plates and balloons were “Team Hot Wheels” themed.
And his cake! I crumbled Oreo cookies to make the track, and the white center lines are made from the Oreo filling! Oh my goodness but this was a yummy cake to eat, with all that Oreo everywhere.
He only had the one candle to blow out, but for some reason it took him three tries to get the flame out. Once he finally blew it out, everyone clapped, and then he smiled and started clapping for himself.
He received so many wonderful gifts from everyone (mostly Hot Wheels cars and tracks, which made him very, very, very happy!)
It was a bittersweet day for me. Of course I am so beyond happy that my sweet boy has reached his third birthday. He is growing up healthy and strong, and I’m looking forward to all he will learn in this next year and all the fun times we will have with him. But then his turning three makes me sad. He is no longer a baby now that he is officially out of toddlerhood and beginning his preschool years. It’s always hard for me to say goodbye to those sweet baby years with each of my children, but it’s especially hard with Aiden since he is my last toddler.
Goodbye to the baby years! Wow, I never thought I’d see the day where we don’t have a baby in the house. It’s going to be different, but good.
It’s all good.
Happy 3rd Birthday to our funny, sweet, happy boy!
You make us smile and laugh every single day. We love you so much!
My grandsons only wanted garbage trucks for two years.