The other day we treated our family to a night at The Medieval Times! This is a place near us that does a very fun and realistic rendition of the middle ages. They do a tournament show with knights and horses, and they serve you dinner, too.
The servers call you “m’lady” and “m’lord” which is kind of fun, you know, because everyone deserves to be a lady and a lord every now and then!
Three lords and a young squire!
Me and a few of m’ladies!
It’s an hour drive from our home to The Medieval Times, and Aiden had fallen asleep on our way there. When we arrived, he woke up in the worst of moods. He was in a total three-year-old meltdown mode; crying, whining, clinging to me. Ugh, it was really a mood-killer for the rest of us.
The fix? a very cool light-up flashing sword! Yes, this $24 plastic battery operated toy was bought as a bribe to change his mood. Happy three-year-old, happy the rest of us.
worth. every. penny.
I just found a fun website that will translate English into Shakespearean — how fun! Let’s play.
Mine own just-turn’d 21 year fusty hath bought a drinketh f’r h’rself while we w’re waiting to beest did seat. can thee bid the lady’s just a tad did bite excit’d to finally beest of legal drinking age? che’rs to afton!
translation: My just-turned 21 year old bought a drink for herself while we were waiting to be seated. Can you tell she’s just a tad bit excited to finally be of legal drinking age? Cheers to Afton!
at which hour t wast timeth to beest did seat, we w’re leadeth out to the arena and satteth in the blue knight section. we tooketh up almost an entire row!
translation: When it was time to be seated, we were lead out to the arena and sat in the Blue Knight section. We took up almost an entire row!
the meals art s’rv’d without utensils – thee has’t nay choice but to consume ev’rything with thy hands. of course mine own kids did love yond idea. h’re art a video of us enjoying the food and the showeth:
translation: The meals are served without utensils – you have no choice but to eat everything with your hands. Of course my kids loved that idea. Here is a video of us enjoying the food and the show:
at the endeth of the evening, i very much did want a group shoot of all of us. i hath tried to taketh a selfie but mine own armeth wast too sh’rt to receiveth 12 people in the picture. this photo is a valorous one — well, except yond audriana’s visage is barely showing.
translation: At the end of the evening, I really wanted a group shot of all of us. I tried to take a selfie, but my arm was too short to get 12 people in the picture. This photo is a good one — well, except that Audriana’s face is barely showing.
alloweth’s tryeth this again.
this is a valorous one, i bethink? alloweth me counteth: one, two, three, four. . . only eleven heads? what hath happened? oh. aislynn duck’d behind av’ry and only h’r armeth is showing.
translation: Let’s try this again. This is a good one, I think? Let me count: one, two, three, four… only eleven heads? What happened? Oh. Aislynn ducked behind Avery and only her arm is showing.
alloweth’s tryeth this again. well enow, anon aislynn hast h’r handeth ov’r h’r eye and audriana is barely showing again.
translation: Let’s try again. Okay, now Aislynn has her hand over her eye and Audriana is barely showing again.
i finally gaveth up on the selfie idea and flagg’d down a passeth’rby who is’t tooketh a group shoot f’r us. th’re! yond is much bett’r!
translation: I finally gave up on the Selfie idea and flagged down a passerby who took a group shot for us. There! That is much better!
our family hadst such a most wondrous timeth and we can’t waiteth to cometh backeth again! goodnight ev’ryone!
Happy Anniversary!
As always, you remembered!! So sweet. Thank you!!!
That is a fun place, been once. I brought plastic utensils…not going to eat with my hands. Someone tried to stop us and take the utensils away. I told the they would have to call a cop…I know, I’m a real buzz-kill.
Boo, you’re no fun! LOL