So Aiden is now three and a half years old. The time is seriously flying by with this little guy. He’s growing up, and quickly. And in case you are wondering, no we still have not cut his hair. I think we have gone past the time where a haircut would go easily with him, because now whenever I try to talk to him about getting a haircut, he freaks out just a bit, saying, “NO! I don’t want a haircut! It will HURT!” He seems to think that the “cut” part of it means it will hurt him. And there’s no reasoning with him on this one. So, the long hippy hair might have to stay for just a while longer.
Oh yes, and the tongue thing he’s got going on. Let’s talk about that for a second. He is into sticking his tongue out. He does this for photos, and he does this when he’s giving us attitude, like when he wants to get his way about something but he knows he can’t but he still wants to show us that he has the final say — then we get The Tongue, which I suppose is his version of flipping me the bird, and I should probably do something about that kind of back-talk. But, he’s three and so he gets a pass. For now.
Here he is at the aquarium when he did not want to sit next to the interesting fishy for a photo opportunity, but yet mommy made him sit….and so I got The Tongue.
you can make me sit, but I’ve got control of my face
This actually worked in my favor for this picture because wow, don’t you think he and that fish look a lot alike? Seriously, twins! It’s uncanny!
Aiden plays a lot with his Hot Wheels cars. And his dinosaurs. Those are his two favorite things, and we find them all over the house. I came across this scene in my kitchen the other day.
I asked Aiden “Hey! What’s going on in my kitchen?!”
“T-Rex is eating a car and the car’s friends are attacking T-Rex.” he said.
“Why are they attacking T-Rex?”
“Because they are mad!”
Well that makes perfect sense. If T-Rex was trying to eat my friend, I suppose I’d be mad, too.
I’ve been doing a lot of fun things with him during the day when the kids are in school; the beach, the Science Center, the parks. On this day we went to see a movie.
this chair wants to swallow him up!
Three is a funny age. I think this age is the most challenging, actually. Aiden tries so hard to be a big kid, and in many ways he is. He has a very advanced vocabulary and can carry on conversations with adults, no problem. He is potty trained. Heck, he can even swim laps in our pool. But he still needs his mommy so much – for cuddles, to kiss his boo-boos, and to be held when he’s tired. And oh, the meltdowns and temper-tantrums this boy can throw! Yep, he’s three all right!
And that’s just fine by me. I’m in no rush for him to be any older than he is.
when you’re ready to “cut” his hair, instead of saying cut, maybe say “trim” and then he might get used to it. If you just snip the very ends, he will see it doesn’t hurt. That’s what we did with my grand daughter. Just a tiny snip at the ends when she was in the bath tub, until she realized it didn’t hurt.
He is such a darling little boy! I love his hippie hair!
Thank you! I love his hair, too…except when it’s time to brush it! That’s not so fun.
Haha! He is such an adorable three year old!
Long hair is in.
Is it? I didn’t know. Do you still have your ponytail?