Remember this wild-haired boy? I look back on his photos from before his haircut and he seems like a different kid. I knew that his first haircut would instantly change his appearance from a “baby” into a “little boy” and that is why it took us so long to get his hair cut. I don’t think any of us were ready to let go of his babyhood. But, at 3.5 years old we all agreed that it was time for that “first haircut” (well, some of us agreed. I think a few of the kids voted to keep it long, but since they weren’t the ones having to brush his hair everyday, their voted didn’t count for much)
Aiden wasn’t too sure that getting his hair cut would be a good thing. He was reluctantly excited about it. One second he would excitedly say, “I’m getting my hair cut and I will look like Andrew and A.J.!” and the next second he would put his hand on his head and say, “Noooo! It will hurt!” We kept telling him that hair doesn’t have “feelings” and it will not hurt him to get it cut. But I’m not too sure he believed that.

in the car seat on the way to get his hair cut – this face says it all
A few of Aiden’s siblings wanted to be there for moral support. It’s always a big event in our family when one of the little ones get their very first haircut!

Here we all are, outside of the mall waiting for Aiden’s appointment

Even daddy got the day off work for the big event!
Into the chair he went. First thing that happened: his hair was brushed back and put into a ponytail. Look how long (and blonde!) it was!
Next thing that happened: SNIP! Off went the ponytail.
And then…he cried. He cried!
I think he cried from the emotional build-up of the day, because I know that the cutting didn’t hurt him. But still, it broke my heart just a bit. Poor baby! He cheered up right away, though, as soon as the buzzers came out. He liked those buzzers!

the buzzers was his favorite part of the haircut – he said, “This tickles!”

looking too cute sitting in that airplane chair
Almost done! He sat so still and was very patient during the entire process. We have a ton of video, too, because every family member had an iPhone or some kind of recording device capturing the moment. It was like the paparazzi there.
And there he is! Aiden without all that hair! I can’t believe how a haircut can change a “baby” into a “big kid” just like that. But it does. It really does. He looked so different after his hair was cut! He went from a 3.5 year old to a five year old. Well, that’s how it felt to me. My baby!
When he first saw himself, he said, “I look like Andrew!” He was very happy with his new look.

first time seeing himself with short hair
As for me, I was sad to see his baby hair go, but on the other hand…it’s been so nice not having to fight him to brush out all that hair with all those tangles! It has made bath time easier, and it’s so much easier to get him ready to go somewhere. His hair is low maintenance now, and I love that.

Our “before” picture…

And our “after” picture! My big boy!
I’ve gotten used to his new look. And you know, he might look like a five year old, but he still acts like a three year old. So, I’m good with that.
Thank you to all who entered the drawing for the $50 gift certificate to — and as promised, a winner was selected using (our of 34 entries) and the winner is…..
comment #4
Congratulations, mami2jcn! I will be in contact with you soon to get that gift certificate to you!
Getting that first haircut, especially a dramatic one, always changes their appearance so much! Your big boy looks very happy with it, though.
Why do those stupid Duggers have a TV show and your family does not?
I don’t know! Hmmmm. Maybe we don’t have enough drama or controversy going on over here.