As the kids get older it gets harder and harder to find the time to do a family Christmas photo. The 6 older kids have jobs, 2 live out of the house, and the younger ones are in sports with weeknight practices plus weekend games, and of course there’s always Rich and his unpredictable fire fighter schedule. So to get them all home on a certain day, including the two who live out of the home, isn’t easy at all. And this year, we had just one day where for 20 minutes where 9 of the 10 kids were home. There was no time to set up a location. No time to find a neighbor or a friend to take the photo, and no time to figure out how the timer on the iPhone works. So, the best we could do was this selfie. Alex has the longest arms out of all of us, so he is front & center holding the iPhone. He’s the star of the photo, with Andrew popping out from the top of his head, and Aislynn barely peeking out over Avery’s shoulder. Definitely not one of our best family photos, but you know what? That’s okay. It’s us as we are right now. A moment captured.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all of us to all of you!
What an awesome family you’ve got. Everyone looks so pretty. Thanks
Somehow, better than if a professional photographer was there spending an hour setting up the perfect pose!