This year we had a 5 year old Spiderman, a three year old Minnie Mouse, a six year old Disney’s Princess Jasmine, an eight year old prize fighter/boxer, a ten year old Alice in Wonderland, and a 12 year old boy wearing a blue face mask.
But Rich and I only walked around the neighborhoods with three of them. This year, the older three chose to Trick or Treat with friends instead of us! What’s up with that?!! It was bad enough when the first three did that. But now my middle three? Man, I really missed Alex, Avery, and A.J. this year. It was very strange with just three.
Just ignore that dude on the far right. He isn’t one of mine.
But despite our small number, we managed to have a great time Trick or Treating. Rich and I love getting the kids all dressed up, and we enjoy walking them around door to door. So much fun, I swear. It never gets old. Like I said in my at the patch post, I’ve been Trick or Treating with my kids for 2o years. Twenty years! Wow! Okay, shouting it like that makes me feel old. So let’s just whisper it: twenty years! wow!
As with every year, this year we have way too much candy! Way! Aria was in her glory. This is the year (age 3) when they really “get” the Halloween-thing, and door to door Trick or Treating was very fun for this little three year old. Check out her stash! You know she’s sharing with me!
It was very hard to cut her off the candy before bedtime. She kept coming up to me with every little piece….
“Mommy, can I jus hab one more? Pweeeeze?!!!”
Be honest. Could you refuse a sweet face like that? Me neither. The kid was bouncing off the walls at 9:00 at night because of this.
As I write this post it’s almost 1:00am, and I can hear Aria in the next room muttering “Twick O Tweet” in her sleep. She had such a great night, and I guess it’s not over yet if she’s still Trick or Treating in her sleep! Good for her. What a way to make it last 

CUUUUUTE! I just wrote you a note from another blogger’s site but wanted you to know I LOVE your candid thoughts on not having another child/having another child…I lost my uterus 3 months ago during an emergency surgery to save my life, and still dealing with the aftermath a bit. Nice to know I’m not alone.